The planning system is constantly evolving with policies and allocations often changing through the development plan process. Here at Urban Aspects it is our job to keep up to date with such changes to maximise our client’s chances of success.

Although the system is regulatory in nature there still remains potential to provide significant opportunities for developers, land owners and businesses.

The ability to secure alternative forms of development of land and buildings can help to release capital values delivering development, reinvestment and regeneration.

Here at Urban Aspects we have a wide range of experience and skills to guide clients through the often complex and time consuming planning process. Our team is able to quickly analyse projects and form an appropriate strategy to help realise a client’s objective.

We work with a wide range of clients from within the public and private sector, from large businesses to private individuals.

Planning Work Undertaken

  • Preparation and submission of all types of planning applications from householder applications through to large scale mixed use schemes.
  • Initial site investigation and appraisal.
  • Advice on development potential.
  • Concept and feasibility scheme drawings.
  • Attendance and presentation at Planning Committees.
  • Negotiations with Local Planning Authorities.
  • Listed Building and Conservation Area Consent applications.
  • Advertisement and Signage Applications.
  • Advice on Permitted Development.
  • Certificate of lawfulness of use applications.
  • S106 negotiations.
  • Promotion of development opportunities through the development plan process.
  • Advice on planning enforcement matters.
  • Planning appeal work.